Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Number 1

This life is rotting me from the inside. Every day I swallow such a bitter pill, living my life feeling like I'm trapped in a cage. I can barely breathe past the hollowness I feel. Day after day, it's the same thing, over and over, and this endless repetition is killing me.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't me going on about how much I hate my life, being all emo and whatnot. I'm just an exceptionally average person living and exceptionally mediocre life. Some days, that pill is exceedingly hard to swallow.

I am normal. Look it up. There's a picture of me next to it in the dictionary.

My name is Sarah, and I am average. I never got good grades in high school. I didn't play sports. I was in a few clubs, but nothing noteworthy. I go to community college and still live at home with my parents (who are still married by the way) and don't have my own car or a job. Nothing about me is original. I'm just like the next normal person down the line (and a very long line it is).

Being normal, I tend to float under the radar. No one notices me; I don't stick out in a crowd. Well, okay, maybe I do, having blue hair and all. But still, there's nothing about me that screams I HAVE A DEEPER MEANING. or I AM NOT OKAY WITH BEING AVERAGE.

Because, honestly, I hate the fact that everything about me is mediocre. I'm OKAY at everything. I'm NORMAL at what I do. I own not one exceptional bone or thought or talent.

I've heard it's human nature to want more out of life. Maybe that's true. I know I want more. But I always wonder if I'm actually alone in that philosophy. It seems like everyone around me, everyone in my life is at a stand still, but they're all okay with it. They're okay with JUST working in a factory and JUST living paycheck to paycheck. They're okay with ONLY talking about wanting more, but doing NOTHING to make it a reality.

And I can't understand that. I simply cannot wrap my mind around that.

I feel like I'm suffocating from my life. The lack of quintessence in what I do, or don't do is driving me mad. I feel like I'm literally going crazy.

This is the point where I realize that if I keep going in the direction I've been going, a part of me will die. I know that I won't be happy following in the footsteps of my family and friends.

Being normal is not okay with me.

Being normal shouldn't be okay with you either.

Think about it.

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